Content made easy for
Vue Developers

Nuxt Content reads the content/ directory in your project, parses .md, .yml, .csv and .json files to create a powerful data layer for your application. Use Vue components in Markdown with the MDC syntax.

Get Started

Start your next project with
powerful features

File-based CMS

Write your content in Markdown, YML, CSV or JSON and query it in your components with powerful composables.

Query Builder

Query your content with a MongoDB-like API to fetch the right data at the right time.

Flexible Database

Add custom fields to your content, making it suitable for various types of projects and content structures.

Markdown with Components

Use Vue components in Markdown files, with props, slots and nested components with our improved Markdown syntax.

Code highlighting

Display beautiful code blocks on your website with the Shiki integration supporting VS Code themes.

Deploy everywhere.

Nuxt Content supports both Static Generation, Node.js hosting and even Workers environments.

Get started Now

Nuxt Content is a Git-based Headless CMS for Vue.js developers. It allows you to build your content with Markdown and JSON, and query it with a MongoDB-like API.

Trusted and supported by our
amazing community


Created and maintained by 180+ contributors

Meet Studio
The pro version of Nuxt Content

Nuxt Studio lets you edit your websites made with Nuxt Content on any devices and by anyone. Opening a new door between git-based CMS and collaboration with your marketing teams.

  • Sync with GitHub
  • Preview links
  • Enhanced Markdown Editor
  • App Config Editor
  • Live collaboration
  • Edit on mobile
  • Media Library
  • Deployment

Start building Today

Are you ready to start building your next project with Nuxt Content? Our documentation will help you get up and running in no time.